What is “Epididymectomy”?
Removal of the epididymis, leaving the testis remaining. The epididymis is a sac which sits behind the testis and is the site where the sperm mature.
Why do I need this?
This is performed for multiple uncomfortable cysts or chronic pain.
How long does it take?
30 minutes under a general anesthetic.
What are the risks?
- Haematoma, or blood collection in the scrotum
- Wound infection – antibiotics are given
- Atrophy, or shrinkage of the testis
- Ongoing pain after healing has occurred
What can I expect after surgery?
- This can be performed as day surgery, or an overnight stay
- A drain may be left overnight
- Tight supportive underpants are needed to avoid swelling of the scrotum
- Avoid heavy lifting and physical exertion for 1 – 2 weeks
- Your wound is held together by a dissolvable stitch under the skin
- You will be given an appointment about 3 weeks following surgery